Thursday, March 31, 2011

Web Chat: Popular E-Books in U.S. Public Libraries: Successes and Challenges

PROGRAM SCHEDULE (Click here to confirm your local program time.) 

Web Chat: Popular E-Books in U.S. Public Libraries: Successes and Challenges
Date: Friday, April 1
Time: 06:00 EDT (10:00 GMT/12:00 Rome)

Description: Discuss the future of reading and learn how e-books are changing today's public libraries.

Format: This will be a video web chat in English.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlene Chou's RDA lecture at PKU

Yesterday, we attended Charlene Chou's lecture about RDA testing at Peking University Library.
There were about 150 people in the audience. I met many familiar catalogers from various libraries in Beijing.
More about Charlene's lecture, please download her PPT file: