编目组(Cataloguing Section)
面向对象的FRBR:实现记忆机构对信息的共识 / 吴晓静翻译 = FRBRoo: enabling a common view of information from memory institutions / PAT RIVA (Bibliothèques et Archives nationale du Québec, Montréal, Canada), MARTIN DOERR (Institute of Computer Science, Crete, Greece) and MAJA ŽUMER (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
图书馆和档案馆为实现文化遗产存取而进行的标准领域的合作 / 王璐翻译 = Bibliothèques et archives: partager des orms pour faciliter l’accès au patrimoine / FRANÇOISE LERESCHE (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France)
21 世纪初,让我们分享标准与专业经验:为编制元数据建立一种合作、“跨行业”的运作模式 / 陈宁翻译 = Sharing standards: developing a cooperative/collaborative model / MURTHA BACA (Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, USA) and ELIZABTH O’KEEFE (Morgan Library and Museum, New York, USA)
档案馆、图书馆、博物馆的通力合作、标准共享——拉脱维亚的方案 / 许旭翻译 = ALM convergence in the field of standardisation /ANITA GOLDBERGA (National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
分类和标引组(Classification and Indexing Section)
交叉语词索引:术语映射及其对信息检索的影响 / 刘华梅翻译 = Cross-concordances: terminology mapping and its effectiveness for information retrieval / PHILIPP MAYR and VIVIEN PETRAS (GESIS Social Science Information Centre, Bonn, Germany)
21世纪的标题表:lcsh-es.org双语数据库 / 喻菲翻翻译 = Subject headings for the 21st century: the bilingual database / MICHAEL KREYCHE (Kent State University, Kent, USA)
书目组(Bibliography Section)
书目数据提供者之间的合作:意大利国家书目取得的成果与未来改革措施 / 张蕾累翻译 = Collaboration among producers of bibliographic data. Achievements and planned initiatives at the Italian National Bibliography / FEDERICA PARADISI (National Central Library of Florence, Florence, Italy)
数字时代的加拿大国家书目 / 韩玲翻译 = Canadiana, the national bibliography for Canada, in the digital age / LIZ McKEEN (Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada)
- Chinese Acquisitions & Cataloging Department: 6
- International Cooperation Division: 1
- Foreign Acquisitions & Cataloging Department: 1
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