Sunday, May 30, 2010

OLCC held annual meeting in Nanjing

Online Library Cataloging Center (OLCC) of the National Library of China held its annual meeting in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
During the meeting, the Jiangsu Provincial Sub-Center of OLCC was officially established.
Established in 1997 and operated by the Chinese Acquisitions & Cataloging Department of the National Library of China, OLCC have 14 sub-centers and 1160 users.
About 80 participants from 46 member libraries attended the meeting, and technicians from Ex Libris and OLCC showed the newly developed Union Cataloging System especially for OLCC and to be released next month.
I have been the director of OLCC since 2004, and have spent quite a lot of time for the development of the new system.

1 comment:

patentwhiz said...

Thanks for your blog!
Do you know of any providers for enriched content in Chinese?