Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ISBD Consolidated Edition published

NEW IFLA Publication!


Just off the press as Nr 44 in the IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control:


ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description

Consolidated Edition

Edited by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section

This is the new edition of the first consolidated ISBD that was published in 2007. The first years of usage have led to interesting and useful corrections and additions. Many cataloguers and practitioners worldwide will welcome this updated first class tool, which is useful and applicable for descriptions of bibliographic resources in any type of catalogue.


ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description – Consolidated Edition. Edited by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section. Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2011. ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control; Nr 44).

Euro 89.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 135.00. Special price for IFLA members Euro 69.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 105.00


Also available as an eBook. 



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