Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Shanghai Conservatory of Music: Forum & Workshop

A series of events concerning music manuscripts and digital libraries is now held in Shanghai Conservatory of Music as "Forum & Workshop".
Please see the following poster:
The official report of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music:
and the blog post of Dr. QIAN Renping, the librarian:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Video about the National Library of China

BTV (Beijing Television Station) just released a video clip about the National Library of China, as one of its series "The Most Beautiful Beijing" (最美北京):
with three versions respectively in 30", 15" and 10".

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chinese Introduction of the IFLA Bibliography Section

A couple of weeks ago, I translated the introduction of the IFLA Bibliography Section into Chinese. It is now available at the section's website:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chinese Translations of WLIC 2011 Papers Related to Cataloguing

The IFLA website just released the last Chinese translation of the papers for the Cataloguing Section Programme of WLIC 2011 (IFLA General Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2011). By now, all the four papers of the Cataloguing Section have been translated into Chinese. I also organized the Chinese translation of some papers in UNIMARC Programme.