Friday, May 11, 2018

Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context

Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context
Thursday 23 August
National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

About the event
This one-day conference is organised by the RDA Board and will be held on 23 August 2018 at the National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Who should attend?
The Conference will benefit both RDA users and non-users and will cover the latest developments in the RDA cataloguing standard, providing a forum for discussion, learning and sharing. There will be a focus on the potential of RDA for libraries in non-English speaking countries and information about the latest developments in the RDA standard and the Toolkit.

Content of the program
There will be sessions on the international uptake and implementation of RDA, with speakers from around the world highlighting different implementation experiences. Acknowledged experts in the RDA world will give an in-depth demonstration of the new RDA Toolkit and explore RDA in a multilingual world where cataloguing traditions and practices may vary from country to country. There will be presentations on features that support translations, RDA’s ability to accommodate local practices in a global context and its potential for use in a linked data environment

The program will feature speakers from around the world with the opportunity to meet and network with experienced RDA implementers.

The full program will be available soon.

Pre-Registrations are invited
Registration details and final conference program will be confirmed soon. Reserve your place by leaving your details at


Interim Conference program – final to be distributed soon

Diversity of Data: RDA in the International Context
Thursday 23 August
National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

8.30-9.00 am
Registration opens at National Library of Malaysia, Level 1, Anjung Bestari, 232 Jalan Tun RazakKuala Lumpur

Conference Session 1 - RDA in the international context
Welcome on behalf of National Library of Malaysia
Welcome on behalf of the RDA Board; housekeeping announcements
Chris Oliver, University of Ottawa and incoming Chair, RDA Board

Tales from the field: RDA implementations around the globe
Library leaders share their experiences, challenges and outcomes.

Beacher Wiggins, Director of Bibliographic Access, Library of Congress, USA
National Library of Malaysia, speaker to be confirmed
Additional speakers to be confirmed

Implementing RDA in Oceania and Southeast Asia: results of a survey
Monika Szunejko, Director, Libraries Australia, National Library of Australia

Morning tea including meeting the implementers

Building regional RDA organizations

Overview of RDA governance - Amelia McKenzie, Assistant Director-General, National Library of Australia
Taking the first steps: Latin America - Angela Quiroz, Library of Congress, Chile
Additional speaker to be confirmed

Question and Answer session, facilitated by Chris  Oliver, incoming Chair, RDA Board
The morning’s speakers are invited to join a Q & A panel session to answer questions from the audience

Conference Session 2 - Accommodating diverse data
Toolkit demonstration - James Hennelly, Director ALA Digital Reference
Translations – Gordon Dunsire, Chair, RDA Steering Committee
How does the new infrastructure of RDA facilitate translations? This presentation highlights the features that support translations and the tools available to benefit RDA communities.

Accommodating local cataloguing traditions in a global context – Gordon Dunsire, Ebe Kartus, Wider RDA Community Engagement Officer

Afternoon tea with opportunity to try out Toolkit

Looking to the future: cataloguing data in the linked data environment  - Ebe Kartus

Wrap-up and closing remarks (Amelia McKenzie, National Library of Australia and RDA Board member)

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